Institut de Recherche
en Astrophysique et Planetologie
AP Plasmas Astrophysiques
SPIDAI Page =========== SPIDAI (SPI Data Analysis Interface) is a tool developed to help the scientific community to analyse the SPI data. Through an interactive interface, it provides default configuration files and guides the user toward reliable results. The manual user describes the procedure and explains how to choose the different parameters at each step. Any analysis ends by displaying a chi-squared array which allows to check the robustness of the results. Examples of SPI data products are presented - V404 Cyg results link:science[here] How to access to the SPIDAI tool ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, you have to ask for a personal account: - Download the users' Charter link:documents/Charte_informatique_IRAP_2012_final-Francais.pdf[French version] or link:documents/Charte_informatique_IRAP_2012_final-Anglais.pdf[English version] - Fulfil in the form link:documents/SPIDAIform.pdf[SPIDAI account] - Send it to The users' manual is available link:documents/SPIDAI_user_manual.pdf[here] Contact ~~~~~~~