Centre d'Etude Spatiale
des Rayonnements
SIGMA scientific observations for year 1989 =========================================== For each month are mentionned : * the mode of observation used with the telescope : ** SI for spectral-imaging mode, ** VI for variability-imaging mode, ** PH for photon-photon mode and ** VR for fast-variability mode), * the source studied, * the acquisition time of images and * the coordinates of the SIGMA telescope pointing (alpha 1950 and delta 1950) December 1989 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [cols="12,12,4,20,10,10,10"] |============================================ |1989/12/14|17h08mn|SI|Field 14 SST|00h51mn|1h12'00"|-12deg00'00" |1989/12/18|17h07mn|SI|Field 5 SST|11h55mn|22h28'40"|-0deg26'16" |============================================