Serveur documentation

A New Vision for the Hard x-ray Sky

Phenix instrumental concept (courtesy of M. Chauvin)

In the hard X-ray domain, significant progresses in instrumental concepts and technics - mainly detectors and grazing incidence mirrors - allow to build a new generation of telescopes. Simbol-X study, Nustar and Astro-H marked the beginnings of a new instrumental era that will dramatically renew our view of the hard X-ray sky. The grazing incidence technique leads to a huge sensitivity improvement, opening a novel discovery space.

A caliste module (CdTe detector) (courtesy of O. Limousin)
Double sided stripped Ge Detector (courtesy of J. P. Roques)

Considering that all the ingredients are gathered to ensure a fruitful next hard X-ray mission (instrumental gaps and scientific questions to solve), we propose to organize a small workshop to be held on 2014 January, 13 and 14 in Paris.

The main goals will be :

  • To collect and discuss instrumental concepts together with scientific questions to be addressed in Hard X-rays.

  • To review the programmatic context and prepare future instruments/missions to be proposed in the framework of M4 Esa next call or other opportunities.

A number of slots are free for participants who wish to present some technical studies or scientific questions related to the above objectives. If you wish to give a talk, please, send a title and short (10 lines max) abstract to as soon as possible.

No registration fees are required but we need to receive an email with your name and affiliation (to before the January, 6 to help us to optimize the organisation of the workshop.

The organizers: E. Jourdain, J.P. Roques, J. Rodriguez